Check Server Logs when encountering capturing issues

Use Mech-Eye Viewer to access Server Logs, which are classified into four levels: Info, Warning, Critical, and Fatal. The default level is Critical, indicated by the icon “C” in the software.

Here are two common use cases of Server Logs:

  1. Viewing Server Logs for image capturing abnormalities:
    By default, the log level is set to Critical. If you encounter any abnormalities during image capturing, you can take a screenshot of the log or copy its contents and send them to the technical support team for assistance.

  2. Setting the log level to Info to view the camera’s capture time:
    To view the camera’s capture time, you need to change the log level to Info. First, clear the existing logs, and then use either Mech-Eye Viewer or Mech-Vision to capture an image. Afterward, refresh the logs to see the camera’s capture time and calculation time.