Robot Interface Configuration Tutorials: FANUC Robot Interface Configuration

This tutorial series will guide you through the operational steps required to load program files into various robots and establish communication with the robot using different communication modes.

This video demonstrates how to load program files into a FANUC robot to establish a connection between the robot and the Mech-Mind Vision System.

Robot brand and model: 6-axis or 7-axis FANUC robot
Controller software version: V8 or V9

Additional controller software packages: R651 or R632 (karel), R648 (User Socket Msg)
Communication mode: Standard interface communication

Applicable software version: 1.7.2 and later

For an overview of operating the Mech-Mind Vision System with the help of tutorials and documentation, please visit the “Guidance of Docs and Tutorials” section at: Guidance of Docs and Tutorials.

For more information on how to load program files into a FANUC robot using standard interface communication mode, please visit the following link: Set up Standard Interface Communication with FANUC.