Methods and tools for picking workpieces on Mech viz software. Hope to receive support from you. Thank you very much

Hello everyone, have a nice afternoon. I am working on a project about an AGV vehicle with an integrated robot arm to pick up and release workpieces. I am using IPC Mech-Mind computer with Mech-vision 2.0.0, Mech viz 2.0.0 software. My robot is equipped with grippers to pick up and release workpieces. Although I have successfully connected the robot to the IPC and can control the axes, I still cannot control the gripper because I don’t have the tool yet. In your opinion, how can you control the robot gripper? If you have a robot gripper tool, please send it to me
Thank you very much, looking forward to your response!!!

If you control the robot by using Mech-Viz master control, we can use the step “Set DO” to control robot output signals which control the tool valves.

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Hello CuiBo. Thank you for your feedback. But the project I’m doing uses electric clamps. Not pneumatic. Hope you can support me now. Thank you very much!!!

Gripper control is MODBUS RTU. The robot is modbus master. Mech-Viz master control doesn’t support this scenario

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