Calibration - Generated Waypoints on Step 3

Mech-Vision & Mech-Viz: v1.8.2
Mech-Eye SDK: v2.3.2
Robot Brand: ABB

On step 3 of the calibration process, when we select “Generate path parameters” the robot is not moving to the waypoints generated by the software shown in the viewer panel. When we run the auto calibration program from the pendant, the robot tries to move to a completely different location than what is shown in the viewer.

There are no Work Objects or any other tool information that has been added to the moves within the pendant’s calibration program.

Assistance with this issue would be greatly appreciated. If you would like me to go into more detail about the problem, let me know.

Based on this description: “when we select ‘Generate path parameters,’ the robot is not moving to the waypoints generated by the software shown in the viewer panel. When we run the auto calibration program from the pendant, the robot tries to move to a completely different location than what is shown in the viewer.”

I want to confirm, did you run the auto calibration program on the robot after clicking “Generate path parameters”?

Could you provide the vision logs and consle logs from when the issue occurred?

Yes we did run the auto calibration program on the pendant.

Attached below are the images of the vision and console logs from the event.

According to the log, the reason for " select ‘Generate path parameters,’ the robot is not moving" is that the robot program has timed out. When a timeout occurs, it is necessary to exit the calibration process and restart the robot program enter the calibration process again. You can try increasing the timeout setting on the robot program side, otherwise, the movement from entering calibration process to the robot’s first movement needs to be completed within the timeout period.

The reason it timed out is because when the robot attampted to move to the generated position, it crashed and I had to hit the Emergency Stop button. We have restarted the calibration process numerous times.

I am wanting to know why the robot moved straight down and crashed, instead of moving to the positions shown in the viewer panel.

Could you please provide the vision and console log files from when the issue occurred? The logs in the screenshot only show info-level logs, and there’s no relevant log for the robot movement after selecting ‘Generate path parameters’. If this issue is urgent, please contact our engineers for remote technical support.