Tutorials on Improving Picking Accuracy

In actual production environments, after the 3D vision-guided applications run for a certain period, issues such as “robot picking inaccuracy” may sometimes occur. This issue indicates a decrease in the application’s picking accuracy, and that the picking errors have exceeded the picking accuracy requirements of the project.

Tutorials on this topic will provide you with guidance on how to improve picking accuracy during the application deployment so that it meets your project’s accuracy requirements, as well as how to quickly troubleshoot the “robot picking inaccuracy” issue during the stable production stage.

:arrow_forward: Picking Accuracy Overview
In actual production environments, after the 3D vision-guided applications run for a certain period, issues such as “inaccurate robot picking” may sometimes occur. Such issues are inevitable.
This video introduces the concept related to picking accuracy and various sources of picking errors, laying the basis for discussing the factors that affect picking accuracy.

:arrow_forward: How to Guarantee Qualified Picking Accuracy
This video presents the key components affecting picking accuracy during deployment processes, with targeted measures to guarantee qualified picking accuracy.

:arrow_forward: How to Troubleshoot Picking Errors
During the long-time production, there may be a decrease in accuracy, leading to picking errors. This video explains how to troubleshoot and solve the problem when a picking error occurs on site.

For more detailed information, refer to Topic: Improving Picking Accuracy