Is there a possibility to read *.mraw data with API (Mech-Eye SDK) for further processing? There is the possibility to read *.mraw files with Mech-Eye Viewer and Virtual-Camera for visualization and e.g. to save 3D point cloud in *.ply format. But is there also the possibility to do the same using API?
When looking closer to a *.mraw file it contains several files in *.png + *.ini + *.json format. Trying to open this files within the *.mraw file a password is required.
In the documentation it is mentioned “Mech-Eye Viewer is a graphical interface software developed based on Mech-Eye API”
So there should be the possibility to read *.mraw data by API, but in the API documentation there is no description about it. Does anybody know how to read *.mraw data with Mech-Eye API?
Example of *.mraw content: