Questions regarding robot control by Mech-Viz or Mech Mind Vision System

There are two ways to integrate the Mech-Mind Vision System into other complicated systems:

  • Robots communicate with the Mech-Mind Vision system through a standard interface.
  • Robots are fully controlled by Mech Viz.

What is the difference between these approaches? What are the advantages of each? How can I determine which way is the correct choice for my application?

A standard interface maps commonly used functions into a set of standard commands. To integrate these functions with your robot, you only need to prepare a communication program on the robot’s side and load it onto the robot.

In the fully controlled model, the Mech-Mind Vision System acts as the master device, sending commands, while the robot serves as the slave device, executing tasks based on the commands it receives from the master device.

For more detailed information, please visit the following website: Link to the Mech-Mind Documentation

To compare different communication modes, you can refer to this link: Comparison of Communication Modes