I want to build a demo with UR and Robotiq grippers. What is the best way to guide the UR robot to complete the demo with Robotiq grippers and Mech-Mind software?

I want to build a demo with UR and Robotiq grippers. What is the best way to guide the UR robot to complete the demo with Robotiq grippers and Mech-Mind software?

Mech-Mind can control the UR robot by master control, but can not control Robotiq Hand-E gripper directly by master control.
So it is impossible to complete the demo with UR and Robotiq grippers by master control if the customer wants to use Mech-Mind software.
And the best way to complete the demo is to control the Robotiq grippers and Mech-Mind software by URCap plugin.


The Mech-Mind Vision System seamlessly integrates with UR robots by using Mech-Mind 3D Vision Interface, a URCap plugin that provides out-of-the-box program nodes such as calibration, pick and place. You only need to do some easy drag-and-drop programming to develop vision-guided programs.
Detailed info about how to communicate with UR by standard interface is found in this link below.

Robotiq Control over Universal Robots

The URCap package contains many features to program and control the gripper. The package provides:
l Gripper Toolbar: The Gripper Toolbar is automatically installed with the URCaps package. It allows jogging and testing of the gripper. It is a great tool to try grasps with the gripper while programming.
l Gripper node: The URCaps package adds a Gripper node that is used to add a Gripper command. A node can make the gripper move to a specific opening, grasp an object and modify the speed and force applied by the gripper.
Detailed info about how to control Robotiq with UR robot can be founnd in the instruction manual of Robotiq and you can download it from Robotiq website.

Communication Modes of Mech-Mind
When deploying a Mech-Mind vision solution, you need to set up the communication between the Mech-Mind Vision System and the robot side (robot, PLC or host computer). The Mech-Mind Vision System provides the following communication modes:
1)Master-Control communication
2)Interface communication

Master-Control communication

The Mech-Mind Vision System and the robot constitute a master/slave control or communication model after you load the monitoring program to the robot or remotely control the robot. In this communication model, the Mech-Mind Vision System functions as the master device, sending commands, while the robot functions as the slave device, performing tasks according to the commands received from the master device.

This communication mode supports communication only with the robot.
Interface Communication

The Mech-Mind Vision System provides external communication interfaces, which allow it to communicate with the robot side (robot, PLC or host computer) based on the standard communication protocols. During communication, the robot side usually calls an interface command and instructs theMech-Mind Vision System to process it and return the result. Subsequently, the robot processes the received result to further derive its desired outcome. To use interface communication, you need to write the interface programs for both communication parties to allow them to establish the communication, and send and receive commands.